2025 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (RAMT 2025)
Call For Papers
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The 2025 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (RAMT 2025)will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Industrial Robot Technology

Robot sensor technology and signal processing 

Robot dynamic control 

Gesture recognition and motion capture technology 

Force feedback and tactile sensing technology 

New robot material and structure design 

Robot kinematics and dynamics algorithm 

Autonomous navigation 

Robot intelligent perception and environment perception technology 

Human-machine collaboration system and technology 

Dynamic control and motion planning of multi-joint robot 

Robot embedded system 

Robot vision and pattern recognition technology 

Soft robot and bionics technology

2. Advanced Manufacturing Technology 

Micro-nano manufacturing technology 

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) technology and its application 

High-speed precision machining technology 

Laser processing technology 

Pressure processing and intelligent forming technology 

New Sensor Materials and Manufacturing Technology 

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 

Sensors and Detection Technology 

Intelligent Manufacturing Technology 

Multifunctional sensor system and integration 

Industrial robots and flexible manufacturing 

Application of visualization and virtual reality (VR) technology